Low-level feature extraction plugins using Jamie Bullock's libxtract library to provide around 50 spectral and other features.

Low Level Features
Extract the autocorrelation of an audio signal.

Average Deviation
Low Level Features
Extract the average deviation of a range of values.

Average Magnitude Difference Function
Low Level Features
Extract the AMDF of an audio signal.

Average Squared Difference Function
Low Level Features
Extract the ASDF of an audio signal.

Bark Coefficients
Low Level Features
Extract bark coefficients from an audio spectrum.

Discrete Cosine Transform
Extract the DCT of an audio signal.

Fundamental Frequency
Low Level Features
Extract the fundamental frequency of an audio signal.

Fundamental Frequency (failsafe)
Low Level Features
Extract the fundamental frequency of an audio signal (failsafe).

Harmonic Spectrum
Extract the harmonics from an audio spectrum.

Highest Value
Low Level Features
Extract the highest value from a given range.

Low Level Features
Extract the inharmonicity of an audio spectrum.

Irregularity I
Low Level Features
Extract the irregularity (type I) of an audio spectrum.

Irregularity II
Low Level Features
Extract the irregularity (type II) of an audio spectrum.

Low Level Features
Extract the kurtosis of a range of values.

Low Level Features
Extract the loudness of an audio signal from its spectrum.

Lowest Value
Low Level Features
Extract the lowest value from a given range.

Low Level Features
Extract the mean of a range of values.

Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
Low Level Features
Extract MFCC from an audio spectrum.

Low Level Features
Extract the noisiness of an audio spectrum.

Non-zero count
Low Level Features
Extract the number of non-zero elements in an input spectrum.

Odd/even Harmonic Ratio
Low Level Features
Extract the odd-to-even harmonic ratio of an audio spectrum.

Peak Spectrum
Extract the spectral peaks from an audio spectrum.

RMS Amplitude
Low Level Features
Extract the RMS amplitude of an audio signal.

Low Level Features
Extract the skewness of a range of values.

Spectral Average Deviation
Extract the average deviation of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Centroid
Low Level Features
Extract the spectral centroid of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Crest Measure
Low Level Features
Extract the spectral crest measure of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Flatness
Low Level Features
Extract the spectral flatness of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Kurtosis
Low Level Features
Extract the kurtosis of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Rolloff
Low Level Features
Extract the rolloff point of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Sharpness
Low Level Features
Extract the spectral sharpness of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Skewness
Low Level Features
Extract the skewness of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Slope
Low Level Features
Extract the spectral slope of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Smoothness
Low Level Features
Extract the spectral smoothness of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Spread
Low Level Features
Extract the spectral spread of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Standard Deviation
Low Level Features
Extract the standard deviation of an audio spectrum.

Spectral Variance
Low Level Features
Extract the variance of an audio spectrum.

Extract the spectrum of an audio signal.

Standard Deviation
Low Level Features
Extract the standard deviation of a range of values.

Sum of Values
Low Level Features
Extract the sum of the values in a given range.

Low Level Features
Extract the tonality an audio spectrum.

Tristimulus I
Low Level Features
Extract the tristimulus (type I) of an audio spectrum.

Tristimulus II
Low Level Features
Extract the tristimulus (type II) of an audio spectrum.

Tristimulus III
Low Level Features
Extract the tristimulus (type III) of an audio spectrum.

Low Level Features
Extract the variance of a range of values.

Zero Crossing Rate
Low Level Features
Extract the zero crossing rate of an audio signal.